NEW YORK, Nov 16 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign and Deputy Prime Minister Mate
Granic, the special envoy of President Tudjman, met Tuesday with UN
Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali.
Assistant to the Secretary General Marrack Goulding, Co-chairman of the
International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia Thorvald Stoltenberg and
Croatian Ambassador to UN Mario Nobilo were also present at the meeting.
Minister Granic explained to the UN Secretary General President Tudjman's
Peace Initiative and Croatia's attitudes towards other peace initiatives
which appeared later (Germany, France, Greece).
The Croatian Minister talked about his visit to Sarajevo and his talks
held with Bosnian Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic. Granic informed Ghali
about the Croatian proposal on ceasefire and peaceful resolution of the
conflict between the Bosnian Army and HVO. He warned about difficult
position of Croats in central Bosnia and requested for their protection.
The talks also focused on necessity of free passage of humanitarian convoys
in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The participants in the meeting were especially interested in President
Tudjman's peace Initiative.
During the morning, Minister Granic discussed the same issues with
American Ambassador to UN Madeleine Albright and Ambassadors of Pakistan,
Great Britain and Austria.
Minister Granic will return to Zagreb on Wednesday.
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