ZADAR, Nov 15 (Hina) - About 100 refugees, accommodated in private houses,
protested in Zadar on Monday against the decision which says that refugees
cannot eat in hotels. The decision was founded on the Law on the status of
refugees and displaced persons which made possible for them to further
receive regular financial aid and packages of food from the Red Cross or
Caritas, but not food in hotels.
Prefect of the County of Zadar and Knin Sime Prtenjaca and representatives
of the Croatian Parliament Josip Sparaka and Julije Derosi met with the
refugees. The refugees said that they still need food from hotels because
they have not received financial aid for several months already.
It was concluded that the implementation of the Law will be postponed
until the problems are resolved and that public kitchens will be organized
in Zadar.
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