SARAJEVO, June 4 (Hina) - U.N spokesman Rob Annink said on Saturday
that a Bosnian Serb liaison officer is to arrive at the Tuzla
airport, northern Bosnia, today despite fierce opposition of
Bosnian government officials. According to Annink, the Serb
representative will be based in the UNPROFOR HQ for Sector North-
East at the Tuzla airport, but he will have no authority to control
U.N. aircraft. Annink reiterated that an initiative to deploy
liaison officers, representatives of all parties in conflict, at
crucial points in Bosnia-Herzegovina was taken in order to ease
solving of crisis situations.
UNPROFOR sources confirmed that machine-gun fire was opened
yesterday in the area of the Mount Igman at a bus full of
passengers. The fire was opened from the direction of the Golo Brad
area. Annink did not identify perpetrators of the attack launched
at civilians, but it is known that that position is held by the
Bosnian Serbs.
Fierce fighting continued in the Gradacac area, said UNPROFOR
sources adding that military observers registered 1,100 detonations
in the area between Gradacac and Ribnica, northern Bosnia.
041555 MET jun 94
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