OSIJEK, May 8 (Hina) - German military attaché in Croatia Brigadier
Peer Schwan and his assistant Rudolf Daimler arrived in a two-day
visit to the Osijek area, eastern Croatia, on Sunday. They met
today with Major General Djuro Decak, the Commander of the Osijek-
based Croatian Army, and afterwards held a news conference. General
Decak told journalists that Brigadier Schwan arrived in the area in
order to check the Serb allegations that the Croatian side has
40,000 soldiers put on alert. The German military attaché will
check the area so that he could see for himself that the Serb
allegations are false, said General Decak adding that the Croatian
side fulfilled its obligations in conformity with the 29 March
ceasefire agreement. Brigadier Schwan would inform journalists
about results of checking tomorrow.
General Decak said that the Osijek-based Croatian Army command
invited UNMOs to Gunja.
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