BUENOS AIRES, May 1 (Hina) - After the official part of his visit
to the Republic of Argentina when Croatian deputy prime minister
and foreign minister Dr. Mate Granic had held fruitful meetings
with Argentinean president and premier Carlos Menem and
Argentinean foreign minister Guido Ditell and after his one-day
visit to Uruguay, Croatian minister spent his third day of visit
to Argentina meeting with Croatian ambassador to Argentina, Matko
Nedo, in Croatia's Embassy in Buenos Aires and holding talks with
members of the Croatian Catholic mission of Tajar and the Club of
Argentinean-Croatian Friendship.
Speaking of further development of relations between
Croatia and South American countries, Minister Granic stressed
that their progress would be based on activities of Croatia's
already established embassies to Argentina and Chile and the
embassy to Brazil that should be opened.
Emphasizing the importance of good diplomatic and economic
relations between Croatia and South American countries Croatian
foreign minister reiterated that South American countries were
the states that had been backing Croatia both in direct contact
and in the international organizations such as the United Nations
and U.N. Security Council. Minister Granic also pointed out an
important role of the Croatian immigrants in some of South
American countries who could contribute to better relations
between Croatia and the countries where they live now. He called
on Croatian immigrants to South American countries to invest
their capital in Croatia's economy and welcomed all who would
like to return to their homeland.
During the talks in Croatia's Embassy in Buenos Aires
Minister Granic pointed out the necessity of better organization
in trade between Croatia and South American countries, whose
markets would open to Croatia's products. In this field Croatian
Chamber of Commerce and other companies could undertake further
steps after successful political talks.
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