ZAGREB, April 14 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic,
who returned from Athens yesterday, said that Greece supported
Croatia's territorial integrity and sovereignty and a resumption of
the talks with representatives of the local Serb authorities from
occupied Croatian areas (UNPAs) which would lead to normalization
of overall Croatian-Serbian relations.
Granic said in yesterday's Croatian TV show that there was no
doubt that Turkey had significant influence on Moslems in Bosnia-
Herzegovina. "Croatia maintained good relations with Turkey during
war, and particularly now. On the other hand Greece has good
relations with Belgrade and supports the final normalization of
Croatian-Serbian relations. We can see no obstacle to the
development of good relations with both Turkey and Greece."
Asked how Greece looked at NATO air-strikes against Serb
positions around Gorazde, Granic replied that "Greece thinks that
nothing should be done which could obstruct the negotiating
process. I pointed out the fact that it was the Serbian aggression
against Gorazde and that NATO's reaction was legal and legitimate.
However, we agreed that first it was necessary to stop the
fighting, reach a ceasefire agreement and organize talks between
Bosnian Serbs and B-H Federation."
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