MEDJUGORJE, April 15 (Hina) - Representatives of the Herzeg-Bosnian
and Bosnian Commissions on POWs signed last night in Medjugorje an
agreement on release of the remaining detainees kept in prisons of
the Bosnian Army and HVO.
Detainees accused of war crimes would not be included in the
POWs exchange, if the parties to the agreement deliver bills of
indictment or court decisions for the above mentioned persons to
the ICRC until 17 April. All persons (detainees), whose bills of
indictment or court decisions are not delivered in time, will be
released in conformity with an adopted plan of the ICRC. According
to the agreement, an independent international commission of
experts will be established in order to contact detainees accused
of war crimes and examine all documents and evidence in connection
with criminal procedure within 30 days.
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