LIVNO, April 7 (Hina) - The commission of the Croatian Defence
Council (HVO) of Bugojno, with its office in Livno, forwarded
Thursday an open letter to the President of the Republic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, the Presidential Council of the Croatian Republic of
Herceg-Bosna (HR HB), and to the Medjugorje-based office of
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Medjugorje-
based office of the International Committee for Human Rights, as
well as to media.
The letter says that in October 1993 twenty prisoners were
taken away from the detention camp placed at the stadium of Bugojno
and other prisons in this town in the Central Bosnia (that has been
under control of the Moslem-led Bosnian Army since the first half
of the last year). The whereabouts of the detainees are still
unknown, and even the ICRC is not able to obtain news on their
fate, although it has registered some of these prisoners.
The letter adds that the both civilian and military
authorities of Bugojno know what has happened with the detainees,
but they have been keeping in secret the truth about their fate for
seven months.
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