ZAGREB, March 16 (Hina) - The Foreign Ministers of the Republic of
Croatia and the Republic of Hungary, Dr. Mate Granic and Geza
Jeszenszky respectively signed Wednesday in Zagreb the agreement on
cultural, educational and scientific cooperation between Croatia
and Hungary.
After reaching the agreement Minister Jeszenszky told
reporters that signing the above-mentioned agreement showed
"alliance and conciliation of the two peoples," being also the
proof of their cooperation on the field of culture.
Commenting on the Washington Croat-Bosniac (Moslem)
agreement, Croatian Foreign Minister said that the Serb side would
be offered the signed agreement, and afterwards talks should
commence on their joining in the agreement or negotiations on the
territorial demarcation or other kinds of connections within
Bosnia-Herzegovina, keeping on mind all possible interpretations of
such an arrangement.
161734 MET mar 94
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