WASHINGTON, May 18 (Hina) - Following is a part of a letter
Croatian ambassador to the UN, Mario Nobilo, forwarded to the
chairman of UN Security Council, Jean-Bertrand Merimee yesterday:
"I have the honor to inform you that as of 05:30 hours today,
the Croatian army (HV) has withdrawn 650 of its 800 personnel from
the Zone of Separation (ZOS) in sector Eastern Slavonia (formerly
Sector East); 870 out of 1,470 personnel from sector Glina
(formerly Sector North); and 970 out of 1,000 personnel from sector
Knin (formerly South). The HV withdrawal is therefore 76 percent
complete," Nobilo said in his letter, adding that the withdrawal
would resume until the full completion.
"The Croatian Serb paramilitary units have meanwhile taken 207
positions in ZOS; 23 in sector Eastern Slavonia; 133 in sector
Glina; and 51 in sector Knin. About 2,000 Croatian Serb
paramilitary troops remained in ZOS; none have withdrawn. The
Croatian Serb authorities in Knin have also on May 15 closed the
Adriatic Pipeline in violation of the Economic Agreement of
December 2, 1994," the letter said.
"Additionally, the Croatian Serb paramilitary units in sector
Eastern Slavonia, strengthened by personnel from the Yugoslav Army
(JA), are carrying out maneuvers and taking offensive positions
that threaten a part of the territory of the Republic of Croatia,
adjacent to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and
Montenegro) and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina," Nobilo
"The military value of this territory, if occupied, is to
connect the Serb-occupied sector Eastern Slavonia in Croatia to the
Serb-occupied parts of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
secure a supply corridor from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro), through Croatia, to the Bosnian Serb-
controlled territories."
The Croatian Government has demonstrated its full commitment
to the continuation of the peace process in Croatia and to the
implementation of the UNCRO mandate on its territory, Nobilo
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