ZAGREB, May 9 (Hina) - Croatian Parliament Speaker, Nedjeljko
Mihanovic, today addressed a ceremonial session of the Croatian
Parliament, marking the 50th anniversary of the victory over
fascism in Europe.
The oration was portentously headlined: "Against Every
By denying the tremendous role of Croatia in the anti-fascist
struggle in Europe, the Serbian propaganda has deliberately
besmirched the Croatian people with the taint of fascism, Mihanovic
"At this historical moment it is needful to deny and refute
all the hate-filled lies, fabrications, calumnies, diffamatory and
libellous allegations that have been deliberately, one-sidedly and
ignominiously spread with a view to blackmailing the entire
Croatian people," he elaborated.
It was undeniable truth that Croatia had proportionally the
strongest anti-fascist movement in Europe, judging by the numbers
of active combatants and other activists, Mihanovic said.
"There were 471,837 persons participating in the Croatian
struggle, and 230,000 were active soldiers. In the four years or
armed anti-fascist struggle in Croatia, 63,336 combatants were
killed," he specified.
Mihanovic then recalled the Italian fascist pretensions to the
Croatian coast, particularly stressing the military importance of
Croatian partisan units in Istria and Dalmatia.
"On the 13th of September, 1943, the Istrian National
Liberation Committee declared the union of Istria, Rijeka, Zadar
and other occupied areas with Croatia, which was confirmed by the
ZAVNOH (Anti-Fascist Council of the National Liberation of Croatia)
on the 20th of September, 1943," Mihanovic said.
He recalled that the first constituent session of the ZAVNOH,
held on June 13 and 14, 1943 in Plitvice (now occupied) and Otocac
confirmed the sovereignty of Croatia.
"On the basis established by ZAVNOH, the struggle for Croatia
firmly adhered to the principles of federal autonomy and national
independence of the Croatian people within the Yugoslav federal
community," Mihanovic said.
"The establishment of the ZAVNOH, with all the international-
law attributes such as the army, representation offices,
government, state territory with a firmly defined state-republic
boundary (which we call the 'AVNOJ' boundary), legislation,
national flag, anthem and the firm constitutional principle of
'right to self-determination, including secession', meant the
establishment of a political body with a historical nation-building
role," Mihanovic said.
But after fascism was defeated, central and eastern Europe
were doomed to see one totalitarian regime substituted by another,
equally sinister - Bolshevism.
"The majority of the Croatian people equally abhorred the
criminal notturno of fascism, with its radical nationalist and
racist ideology, and the daemonic ideological spectre of the
political tyrrany of Communism," Mihanovic pondered.
A particularly tragic feature of Croatian history, according
to Mihanovic, was that socialist demagogy and the rallying cry of
"brotherhood and unity" were used as a cloak to cover the malignant
growth of Serbian Belgrade centralism and an unholy alliance
between state and party.
"In the blood-drenched planetarium of Croatian history, that
learned scholar and Head of the Croatian state, Frajno Tudjman, has
found the life-saving key to our historical and political riddle in
the reconciliation of all Croats, the unity of the Croatian people,
the cooperation between the homeland and the diaspora, the
implementation of the realistic Croatian policy, without romantic
'longings and fantasies,'" Mihanovic enthused.
"Let these two anniversaries - the 50th anniversry of the
victory over fascism and the 50th anniversary of Bleiburg and the
Way of the Cross - pave the way for unity, openness and tolerance
of spirit and a moral-political cohesion of the nation. Let this
spirit of unity and tolerance harbinger new perspectives of the
opening of our reality to democracy and freedom," Mihanovic
(hina) jn as
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