LONDON, May 7 (Hina) - More than 50 statesmen from both victorious
and defeated countries in World War II, gathered today in St.
Paul's Cathedral in London to attend a service of reconciliation as
part of celebrations of 50th anniversary of the anti-Fascist
Croatia's President Franjo Tudjman was among them, as well as
France's President Francois Mitterand, Germany's Presidents and
Chancellor Roman Herzog and Helmut Kohl respectively, US Vice
President Al Gore, Russian Premier Victor Chernomirdin, and
Britain's royal family.
After the solemn mass world leader drove in cars toward
Buckingham Palace to have a lunch.
At 04:00 pm, central European time, they will go in Hyde Park
to participate in the central ceremony.
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071449 MET may 95
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