ZAGREB, April 5 (Hina) - The Croatian Government's operational
committee for Homeland War invalids and other victims today held a
session to discuss reports of responsible ministries and other
state authorities on the implementation of relevant programmes.
Representatives of the Government's office for war victims
spoke of the programme for psychological and social aid.
The head of the Government's commission for detained and
missing persons, Ivan Grujic, said that at the moment Croatia was
seeking 2,854 people. It is certain that eight persons are detained
in Serb prisons. Since the beginning of the aggression 6,685 people
have been set free through exchanges.
The Housing and Construction Ministry officials said the 33
houses, out of planned 110 houses, had started to be built, which
the Government will allocate to most gravely wounded invalids of
the Homeland War.
Deputy Defence Minister Josip Juras said the Defence Ministry
had presented 333 flats to families of dead or missing Croatian
defenders. Juras added that housing loans would soon start to be
granted to invalids.
The session accepted a proposal of the Labour and Social
Welfare Ministry on the legislation for salaries to persons who are
to care for 206 most disabled persons of the Homeland War.
The session also considered the Health Ministry's report on
preparations for national programme for the rehabilitation of
disabled persons.
(hina) jn mms
051913 MET apr 95
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