ZAGREB, April 5 (Hina) - Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman, today
received a distinguished German journalist and essayist, Johann
Georg Reissmueller, after he was presented with an honorary degree
of the University of Zagreb, Presidential Office said.
The reception was attended by the Vice Chancellor of Zagreb
University, Marijan Sunjic, a university professor, Viktor Zmegac,
President's foreign adviser, Zeljko Matic, President's adviser,
Branimir Jaksic, and aide to Presidential Office chief-of-staff,
Vesna Skare-Ozbolt.
President Tudjman thanked Reissmueller, a true friend of
Croatia and an impartial observer, whose articles have spread the
truth about Croatia for many years.
They also talked about political journalism, continuation of
peace process in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, reintegration of
temporarily occupied Croatian territories, global political
relations in Europe and the world, German policy, and friendly
relations and good partnership between Croatia and Germany.
The normalization of Croatian-Serbian relations, efforts of
Croatia and Bosnian Croats in establishing the Federation of
Bosnia-Herzegovina and its confederation with Croatia were also
discussed during the reception.
President Tudjman stressed the necessity of the European
Union's more active support to the peace process in Croatia, the
statement said.
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