ZENICA, March 26 (Hina) - There are now merely 12,000 Croats in
Zenica, central Bosnia, out of 22,700 who lived there before the
Serb aggression on Bosnia.
Some of the Croat citizens left the town in the first year of
the Serb aggression, and some of the expelled Croats had to flee
the town during of the Moslem-Croat conflict in 1993 and even later
after the Washington Accords were signed in 1994.
Presenting these figures, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
party's Zenica branch says that prospects for the return of the
displaced Croats to their hometown are poor. The HDZ Zenica leaders
believe that main reasons why more and more Croats are leaving the
town, are their feeling of insecurity while staying in a town with
the Moslem majority and under the Bosnian Army control.
They hold that three prerequisites for Croats' remaining in
Zenica would be the right on life, the right on home and the right
on identity. The HDZ Zenica leaders request that the Croatian
municipality should be established and Croat boys conscripted to
the Croatian defence unit "Jure Francetic".
(hina mms
261559 MET mar 95
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