ZAGREB, March 8 (Hina) - Today's VJESNIK devotes much of the front
page to yesterday's meeting of President Tudjman and the head of
Croatian Displaced Persons' Union, Mato Simic. Simic informed
President Tudjman of the bad living condition of the displaced
farmers and elderly displaced people.
VJESNIK reports on the session of the Croatian Parliament
House of Counties.
In an article on yesterday's meeting between the Croatian
President's chief-of-staff, Hrvoje Sarinic, and the International
Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (ICFY) co-chairmen, David Owen
and Thorvald Stoltenberg, the daily quotes Owen as saying that
President Tudjman's and the Croatian Government's demands were
legitimate in which they asked changes in certain questions.
The daily carries an interview with the oldest parliamentary
deputy, writer Vinko Nikolic, under the headline "My Dream about
Reconciliation Has Come True".
The daily's commentator, Ivkica Bacic, writes about a possible
summit of Presidents Tudjman, Izetbegovic and Milosevic in the
article headlined "Milosevic Without Trump Cards?".
The other daily VECERNJI LIST carries a first-page column
devoted to the agreement on establishing the joint headquarters of
Croatian and Bosniac (Moslem) armed forces.
"The Joint Headquarters - Argument For the Peaceful Solution"
is the headline of the daily's interview with the commander of the
Bosnian Army's headquarters, General Rasim Delic. Gen. Delic says
the Serbian aggressors must understand that they are facing the
force that can oppose them. He believes this force is stronger than
the Serbian aggressors.
The daily's commentator, N. Ivankovic, raises the question
"Who Wants Status Quo" in an article referring to threats which
include even sanctions following Croatia's decision to end
UNPROFOR's mandate.
The daily carries a report on the session of the Croatian
Parliament House of Counties.
"Changes in Croatia's Favour?" is the headline of VECERNJI
LIST'S article on yesterday's meeting between Sarinic and the ICFY
co-chairmen Owen and Stoltenberg.
(hina) mms
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