ZAGREB, Feb 9 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament's House of Counties'
commission for constitution, rules of procedure and legislation,
today discussed the Z-4 draft plan.
At the beginning of the debate Ivan Aralica (ruling Croatian
Democratic Union, HDZ), a deputy speaker of the House of Counties,
and then members of the Social-Democratic Party (SDP), Croatian
Independent Democrats (HND), Croatian Social and Liberal Party
(HSLS), and the Dalmatian Action (DA), said that all elements of
the plan that were not line with the Croatian Constitution, the
Constitutional Law and international regulations on the minorities'
rights, were not acceptable at all.
The Commission's members expressed several critical remarks on
the plan - such as that it was unjust plan, and it transformed the
aggression in a civil war, or that the plan made it possible for
war criminals to form a state, and this state could be then called
with an unknown name in the Croatian geography, i.e. Krajina.
They believed that the acceptance of such a plan would mean
capitulation. They also warned that the displaced people were
disappointed, whereas Milosevic did not give up his efforts to
create on a Greater Serbia.
Deputy speaker Aralica announced that in this regard a
proposal would be made on the grounds of the Croatian Constitution,
the Constitution Law, the regulations of the international
protection of national minorities and UN Security Council
(hina) jn mms
092011 MET feb 95
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