MUNICH, Feb 5 (Hina) - The participants in today's Munich session
identified several key problems in the implementation of the
Washington Accords on the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
They also agreed to solving them in the next two months, US
Assistant Secretary of State, Richard Holbrooke, Sunday said at a
press conference.
A plan with nine items on strengthening the (Croat-Bosniac)
Federation of Bosnia was reached at today's session.
The session was attended by the Federation's leaders, which
included President Kresimir Zubak, Vice President Ejup Ganic, and
Premier Haris Silajdzic, and Croatia's senior officials, Foreign
Minister Mate Granic, Defence Minister Gojko Susak, and ambassadors
Miomir Zuzul and Ivan Ilic, as well as the Contact Group's
In line with this plan the Washington Accords' sponsors would
try to solve a series of concrete problems that had appeared in the
practical implementation of the agreement on the Bosnian
The plan provided for appointing an international arbitrator
who would decide all disputable matters on the grounds of the
Washington Accords and the Vienna agreement. His decisions would be
binding on both parties.
The plan also provided for establishing a permanent Sarajevo-
based commission for supervising the development of the Bosnian
(hina) mms
051721 MET feb 95
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