MUNICH, Feb 5 (Hina) - Representatives of the Bosnian Federation,
the Croatian Government and the five-power Contact Group
officials met in Munich today to discuss the implementation of
Washington accords on establishing the Croat-Moslem Federation in
US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke, who
chaired the meeting, said the talks were called to show the world
that the Federation was still alive and very important to the
peace process in the former Yugoslavia.
Also present were US congressmen participating a Munich
conference on security.
Senator Richard Cohen said that to give up the Federation
would mean to give up hope.
Senator Joseph Lieberman said that among many tragedies that
happended in former Yugoslavia, the establishment of the Bosnian
Federation was one of the bright spots.
Lieberman added that there was no consent in the US Congress
on lifting the arms embargo against Bosnia-Herzegovina but that
the majority supported the Croat-Moslem Federation in Bosnia-
He stressed that there was a strong feeling among
congressmen that Serbia and its allies were aggressors in former
Lieberman said there was considerable concern about alleged
negotiations between Zagreb and Belgrade because they could form
relationships which could lead to the breakup of Bosnia-
Federation President Kresimir Zubak said the establishment
of the Federation was in a transition period. But he expressed
optimism about it, seeking assistance and support from the
international community in overcoming current difficulties.
The meeting continued behind closed doors.
(hina) vm
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