ZAGREB, Jan 11 (Hina) - The Croatian Journalists' Society today
described a Nedjeljna Dalmacija article on foreign and domestic
correspondents in Croatia as a disgrace to the author, the paper's
editorial staff and journalism as a profession.
The article was written by Vuk Duricic and published in the 6
January 1995 issue of the Split-based Nedjeljna Dalmacija weekly
under the headline "Media's Fifth Column".
In a statement signed by its president Ante Gavranovic, the
Journalists' Society condemned Duricic's groundless attack on
foreign correspondents in Croatia, adding that anyone who wrote for
the public was bound by the rules and codex of the profession,
which in this case had been broken by both the author and the
editorial staff.
(hina) vr
111718 MET jan 95
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