ZAGREB, Sept 10 (Hina) - The committee for relations with non-
member states of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly
held a regular session in the Hotel Intercontinental in Zagreb on
"This is the first session of a European committee to be held
in Croatia," said Croatian Parliament vice president Zarko Domljan,
who attended the session as a special guest.
"This committee is not the most important committee of the
Parliamentary Assembly but it is one of the three committees which
participated in the process of Croatia's admission to the Council
of Europe," Domljan said.
"The purpose of the visit is to 'feel' the situation in
Croatia. This is not a fact-finding mission because they don't have
a right to it, because the procedure in the Parliamentary Assembly
has been completed," he said.
Domljan said that the working group of the Council of Europe's
Committee of Ministers was expected to propose on September 15 a
date of the entry into force of a decision on Croatia's accession
to the Council.
Later in the day, members of the committee will meet
representatives of Croatian political parties, ethnic minorities,
nongovernmental organizations and the media.
On Wednesday, the Council of Europe officials are scheduled to
meet Croatian Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa, after which they will
travel to the southern coastal city of Split.
(hina) vm jn
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