ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) - A Croatian delegation including
representatives of the Ministries of Economy, Privatization and
Property Management, Reconstruction and Development, the manager of
"Croatian Shipbuilding" Ante Baucic and the president of the Zagreb
Chamber of Commerce Vjekoslav Tomasic was on a two-day visit to
Turkey, at the invitation of the Turkish Ministry of Industry, the
Secretariat of Foreign Trade and the Council for Economic Relations
with Foreign Countries (DEIK), a statement of the Croatian Ministry
of Economy said on Wednesday.
Yesterday Baucic discussed the possibilities and interest of
the Croatian shipbuilding industry with members of the Association
of Turkish Shipowners, while today DEIK and Croatia's General
Consulate in Istanbul organized a lecture on Croatian economy for
representatives of Turkey's leading enterprises, which was presided
by the Croatian-Turkish Business Council.
Turkish businessmen are in particular interested in
cooperation in the fields of reconstruction, the building of
infrastructure in Croatia, tourism, banking and transport.
The Croatian-Turkish Business Council's yearly session will
take place in Zagreb and Rijeka, Croatia's northern coast, between
4 and 7 November 1996.
The Croatian delegation also visited Turkey's leading
construction company "ENKA HOLDING" whose owner is interested in
the construction of a motor way network and electric power objects
in Croatia.
A manager of another big Turkish company, "KOC HOLDING",
announced a visit of their representatives to Croatia.
(hina) ha
282003 MET aug 96
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