ZAGREB, 1 September (Hina) - Experts of the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the international
organization Physicians for Human Rights started exhumanting a
mass grave at the village of Ovcara near Vukovar Sunday, as
scheduled, UNTAES Spokesman Phillip Arnold told Hina in a
telephone interview. He annunced that the group of forensic
experts, whose work cannot be monitored by the press, will hold a
press briefing on Thursday.
Speaking for Hina, Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Kostovic
confirmed the news, adding that the sight was supervised by
UNTAES and secured by its Jordanian battalion.
Exhumation will take two to three weeks. Identification of
the victims, which will probably take three months, will be
carried out in Zagreb, with assistance of ICTY's experts, said
Dr. Kostovic. He underscored that the public would be regularly
informed at UNTAES' press briefings about the progress the team
is making. He noted that pursuant to a decision by ICTY, the
exhumation can be covered only by an independent British TV
station. However, the entire operation will be monitored by two
representatives of the Government, concluded Dr. Kostovic.
mr (Hina)
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