ZAGREB, 1 September (Hina) - Speaking at a memorial service for
the victims of the Ovcara massacre, Deputy President of the
Sabor Jadranka Kosor said she hoped that "persons responsible
for that horrendous crime will be called to account." Zeljka
Farkas, President of the Apel, an organization for protection of
human rights of Croatian POWs, read an open letter to
Transitional Administrator Jacques Klein, calling on revision of
his decision on restricted coverage of exhumation: "Ovcara is
only one in a series of mass graves in east Slavonia, Baranja
and western Srijem. Families of the missing have the right to
know what happened to their beloved ones and the murderers must
be punished. There will be no peace and true reintegration in E.
Slavonia until all the bodies from mass graves have been
identified and buried with dignity and their murderers
extradited to the Hague." The service, which was attended by
about 200 relatives of the POWs and the missing, took place in
front of the UNTAES Zagreb office in Selska St.
mr (Hina)
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