SARAJEVO, 2 Sept (Hina) - At the last round of talks with the
candidates for the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, international
peace coordinator Carl Bildt received guarantees that all
candidates would fully cooperate in the establishment of joint
institutions of the Bosnian state after the 14 September elections,
Bildt's spokesman Colum Murphy told a press conference in Sarajevo
Murphy announced that all three members of the new Bosnian
Presidency should appear at the opening of the United Nations
General Assembly in the second half of September.
The existing bodies of authority would continue to function
until new authorities were established after the elections. The
first meeting of 42 newly-elected parliament members could be
expected seven days after election results were confirmed, Murphy
Agota Cuperman, spokesperson for the mission of the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on
Monday stated that the first election results could be expected on
17 September.
Bosnian refugees who were currently living in Dubrovnik would
also take part in the elections on 14 September. The elections for
the Bosnian refugees in Dubrovnik would be repeated since the
polling station in Dubrovnik received wrong ballots. The OSCE
mission estimated that 45% of voters had submitted their ballots in
person while the rest of the voters had sent them by mail.
According to Cuperman, 1,159 international monitors who would
monitor the elections, arrived in Bosnia today.
Pre-election rallies in Bosnia were proceeding without serious
problems and there had been no incidents, Cuperman said.
The head of the OSCE mission, Robert Frowick, warned one of
the Bosnian Serb leaders, Momcilo Krajisnik, that he could not
tolerate election placards with Karadzic's picture on them at pre-
election rallies of the Serb Democratic Party (SDS).
Karadzic's pictures were a regular embellishment at several
large SDS election rallies recently. Krajisnik, Biljana Plavsic and
Aleksa Buha who were co-signatories to an agreement on Karadzic's
removal from political and public life, spoke at those rallies,
Frowick said.
Municipal elections in Bosnia would probably be held in
November, spokesman Murphy said. OSCE officials had still not
determined criteria for the registration of voters at municipal
elections, but it was certain that Form P-2 would not be used at
municipal elections.
(hina) rm jn
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