SARAJEVO, Aug 31 (Hina) - Contact Group member-states could discuss
the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina on the eve of the 14 September
elections and the measures which should be undertaken after the
elections at their meeting next Saturday, spokesman for
International Peace Coordinator Carl Bildt's Office Colum Murphy
said in Sarajevo on Saturday.
The meeting will probably take place in Frankfurt, Germany.
Murphy expressed belief that elections would take place in the
arranged time. After yesterday's visit of U.S. Assistant Secretary
of State John Kornblum to Sarajevo and talks with Bosnian President
Alija Izetbegovic, there were no more doubts that the Bosniak side,
dissatisfied with the large number of voters registered for voting
on form P-2, could decide to boycott the elections.
The main headquarters of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA)
last night stated that it had withdrawn an appeal to voters abroad
not to take part in the elections until the fate of form P-2 became
The whole international community, including Carl Bildt's
Office now directed their attention to the establishment of bodies
of central authority in BH after the elections and measures to
prevent any attempt at secession, persistently mentioned by Bosnian
Serb representatives, Murphy concluded.
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