SARAJEVO, Sept 3 (Hina) - Nine months after the signing of the
Dayton Agreement, Bosnian Serbs continued with the ethnic cleansing
in areas they control, UNHCR spokesman Kris Janowski told a press
conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday.
UNHCR would evacuate 31 Bosniaks from Banja Luka to Croatia
today, Janowski said, adding that two months ago they were expelled
from their homes in the Banja Luka district of Vrbanja before the
indifferent eyes of the Serb police.
Representatives of the U.N. and the international police
attempted several times to return those people to their homes, but
were prevented by local Serb authorities, Janowski said.
The chief of the Banja Luka police was requested to intervene
and enable the return of the expelled Bosniaks, U.N. spokesman
Aleksandar Ivanko said, but added that nothing had been done.
Until now the expelled lived in a hotel and eventually
requested of UNHCR to ensure their evacuation.
Janowski stressed that this was not the only example of the
continued ethnic cleansing after Dayton. 96 Bosniaks had been
expelled from Teslic earlier on, and the last incident took place
two days ago in Bijeljina (northeastern Bosnia), where a Bosniak
woman reported to the international police that unknown persons had
entered her house while she was in hospital. She did not even get
her belongings, while authorities in Bijeljina were doing nothing
to enable her return.
Spokesman for the NATO-led Peace Implementation Force Max
Marriner today confirmed that Bosniak houses in Brcko and Bosanski
Brod (northeastern Bosnia, the so called "Serb corridor") had been
bombed on Sunday and Monday.
After an investigation, IFOR said that during the night
between Sunday and Monday one house had been completely destroyed,
while two Bosniak houses near Brcko, on which repairing had just
begun, had also been damaged. A construction material storehouse
had also been destroyed.
Janowski claims that the highest authority officials in Pale
were duly informed of the incidents, but did nothing to stop the
ethnic cleansing.
(hina) ha jn
031427 MET sep 96
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