KISELJAK, 26 August (Hina) - Several thousand local Croats
gathered on Monday evening at a HDZ promotional rally in the town
of Kiseljak. Speakers included local HDZ leaders and top
representatives of the Croat authorities in B-H, who spoke about
the HDZ's achievements, the successful defence of Croat areas in
B-H and potentials for development in piece time conditions.
Jadranko Prlic, top on the HDZ slate for the B-H
Assembly, described the Kiseljak area as a monument to the
stamina of the Croat people, which proves that Croats can not be
collectively blamed for what happened in the past and that
Kiseljak Croats have managed to raise their voice against their
inferior status and won a right to equal development.
President B-H Federation and candidate on the slate for
the B-H Presidential Council Kresimir Zubak told the
crowd: "Had they listed to us, there would have been no
need for the Washington agreement and the Dayton accords.
B-H is our homeland, we have defended it and will not
give it up. We respect our neighbors and we expect to be
respected by them. We believe in building better future
for our children. The fact that we have two homelands
makes us richer. We will prove our commitment when we
repatriate all the Croats to their homes, especially
where our monasteries are."
President of the HDZ for B-H, Bozo Rajic, said the Croats
had won the war because they faced the conqueror, rather than
advocating preservation of Yugoslavia. By the same token, the
Croats do not support plans for establishment of some Balkan
federation: "The Croat Republic of Herceg-Bosna has not been
wound up. Rather then that, it has assumed different qualities,
as a proof of our commitment to the B-H Federation. However, our
partners the Bosniaks must also fuse the bodies of the B-H
republic with the Federation. That is a road ahead of us, and we
are ready for it," said Zubak."
mr (Hina)
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