SARAJEVO, Aug 13 (Hina) - President of the Presidency of Bosnia-
Herzegovina on Tuesday departed Sarajevo for Geneva in a not-so-
optimistic frame of mind.
"I am not too optimistic but I think we should pursue things
as far as possible - regardless of difficulties, we mustn't become
demoralised and we must believe in the idea of Bosnia-Herzegovina,"
Izetbegovic said.
He reiterated Ganic's call to all Croats to return to their
homes in the Bosnian army-controlled areas of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
"I want to encourage this anti-Boban process," he said,
referring to Mate Boban, one of the founding fathers of the Bosnian
Croat Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia.
"This will also make it possible for Moslems to return to
their homes in the HVO-controlled area," he said.
"All those who are committed to Bosnia must support this
process," he said.
Premier Hasan Muratovic said he expected the Geneva meeting to
finally clarify the fate of Herzeg-Bosnia.
"We will surely discuss the elections, but this will be the
main issue. We expect an agreement on the abolition of the so-
called Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia to be signed in Geneva,"
Muratovic told Sarajevo TV.
(hina) as
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