SARAJEVO, July 31 (Hina) - Aide to U.S. Secretary of State John
Kornblum on Wednesday met with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic
for talks on the current situation and most important problems in
Kornblum, who arrived in Sarajevo to take part in the work of
the Bosnian Federation Forum, told reporters after the meeting that
his talks with Izetbegovic focused on the implementation of the
Dayton Agreement and the situation in the Bosnian Federation, but
refused to say anything on the details of the meeting.
He also demanded more cooperation on the part of Bosnian
authorities in helping a soon start of an independent TV network.
"We believe that it is of the utmost importance in occasion of
the forthcoming elections and wish to enable everybody to present
their political stances to the biggest audience possible", Kornblum
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