SARAJEVO, Jul 30 (Hina) - The Sarajevo-Mostar train service was
restored on Tuesday after more than four years of war. The first
train departed Sarajevo at 10 a.m.
The five-wagon train carried about 200 passengers, including
President of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija
Izetbegovic, Bosnian Federation Deputy President Ejup Ganic and the
Prime Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hasan Muratovic.
"This is a great day for Sarajevo and the whole of Bosnia-
Herzegovina," Izetbegovic told people gathered on the platform. He
added that Croatia had agreed to the establishing of a Sarajevo-
Ploce service.
"Now, Bosnia has access to the sea and to the whole world,"
Izetbegovic told the cheering crowd.
For Bosnian Railways, the top priorities now included the
restoration of rail lines between Sarajevo, Maglaj, Zavidovici and
Zepce, and between Bihac and Knin, general manager Nedzad Brankovic
He warned that the project would require substantial
government and foreign funding. The funds allocated to Bosnian
Railways so far had covered only 0.1 percent of the war damage to
facilities and equipment, Brankovic said.
(hina) as
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