SARAJEVO, Aug 3 (Hina) - The violation of ownership rights was one
of the most serious human rights violations currently practiced in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, the deputy chief of the OSCR mission in Bosnia,
Craig Jennes, said on Saturday.
Violations of ownership rights accounted for 60 to 70 percent
of all complaints to ombudsmen in both entities, Jennes said.
"By violating ownership rights, the authorities in both
entities are directly impeding the return of refugees," he said.
A comprehensive analysis of the ownership rights situation
compiled by the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe) mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina, warns that the return of
refugees has been delayed and practically made imposible by the
existing legislations in both entities.
The laws in force in the Serb entity efficiently prevents the
return of refugees by imposing the principle of reciprocity,
according to Jennes.
On the other hand, under the laws in effect in the area
controlled by the Sarajevo government, all refugees who have not
returned or submitted a request to return by January 6, will lose
their tenancy rights.
"Such laws are in contravention to the provisions of the
Dayton Agreement which guarantee refugees the right to return to
their homes," Jennes said.
Officials with the office of the international peace
coordinator Carl Bildt have repeatedly called on the governments of
both entities to amend these laws, to no avail.
"The main reason for such an attitude is a lack of political
will to allow the return of refugees," Jennes concluded.
International organisations have also compiled a vast body of
data on evictions. Most often, victims of evictions are members of
ethnic minorities and the responsibility for such acts lies
entirely with local authorities, reports said.
Representatives of Bildt's office and OSCE officials on Friday
prevented the eviction of a 75-year-old Serb man in Sarajevo. The
eviction was attempted by the Bosnian army military police, under
the pretext that the flat he lived in had been the property of the
Yugoslav army which in due course reverted to the Bosnian army.
The eviction was prevented at the initiative of the ombudsman,
who is to yet to make a final decision in this case.
(hina) as
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