SARAJEVO, Jul 26 (Hina) - President of the Presidency of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, on Friday warned that his country
was facing a serious crisis which could lead to a renewal of war.
"The country is facing serious difficulties - a crisis has
erupted and we are just waiting to see a new war break out down
there," Izetbegovic said in an obvious reference to the situation
in the southern city of Mostar.
He was addressing a protest rally outside the Parliament
building in downtown Sarajevo, staged by about 2,000 war invalids
to demand the payment of disability pension arrears and better
health insurance.
Izetbegovic appealed to the protesters to be "reasonable and
"The country is in a difficult financial situation - right
now, there are no funds to meet all disability payments,"
Izetbegovic said, promising that an amount of 200 DM, covering the
May and June pensions, would be paid next week.
His words were greeted with catcalls and shouts of anger at
the Government and war profiteers.
According to the Association of War Invalids of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, the Government owes its members DM 78 million.
Individual pensions range between DM 7 and 37.
(hina) as
261455 MET jul 96
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