SARAJEVO, July 29 (Hina) - The Sarajevo City Committee of the
Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-Herzegovina (HDZ BiH) on Monday
condemned the European Union's attitude in the solving of the
Mostar situation, pointing out that in crisis situations the
international community had dual criteria, one for Croats and other
for Bosniacs-Muslims.
We severely protest against the inappropriate political
discourse and threatening statements by Mr Michael Steiner at
yesterday's press conference as regards the situation in Mostar, a
HDZ BiH statement said.
At the same time the international community quietly ignored
the situation in Sarajevo where "a one-nation canton has been
illegally established. Ethnic cleansing is being performed in
Sarajevo before the eyes of the world, but it does not impress
anyone, and neither does a demand of ten thousand Croats who want
to return to Sarajevo and their apartments", the statement said.
Instead of condemning the numerous proved irregularities and
frauds around the Mostar elections and voting, Croats were being
forced to accept electoral frauds. In this regard, even the
Republic of Croatia was being blackmailed, the statement said.
The statement ended with an appeal to the international
community to "allow not the disappearance of Croats from their
thousand-year-old areas in Bosnia-Herzegovina, neither to impose
upon them the position of a subject people."
(hina) ha mm
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