OSIJEK, 9 July (Hina) - Tom Dine, Deputy Head for Europe at the US
government Agency for International Development (USAID) and Dr.
Charles Aaneson, the agency's representative for Croatia, discussed
today in Osijek aid programmes for the Croatian Danube region with
Branimir Glavas and Vlado Osust, prefects of Croatian counties
under temporary UN administration, as well as with Mirko Tankosic,
deputy head of the Government Office for Transitional
During the following days and weeks USAID will organize special
training in the USA for 13 Croat businessmen from small and medium
size companies in the Danube region. Furthermore, the agency is
working on short and medium term loans, ranging from US dollars 500
to US dollars 20,000 for local small companies, and on plans for
the restructuring of the bank system, said Dine.
USAID would like to see the area remaining "a multiethnic
society with a market economy" after the departure of UNTAES, said
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092139 MET jul 96
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