WASHINGTON, 9 July (Hina) - A visit of the US Trade Secretary
Mickey Kantor to Croatia and BH is part of the the US
Administration's efort to support peace in the region, stated
the US Department of Commerce in Washington Tuesday.
"Secretary Kantor's mission initiates the implementation of
the Clinton's Administration's comprehensive commercial and
investment development strategy for Bosnia and Croatia. It
will enhance the the US private sector role in creating the
market-driven economic growth that is necessary for lasting
peace and stability."
The strategy comprises four parts - the normalization of
trading relationships, the integration of the US business
community into existing US government reconstruction efforts,
the enhancement of the US government advocacy support to US
businesses in the region and the expansion of the US
Commercial Service presence to disseminate and coordinate
information to US firms about business opportunities in the
During his visit to Croatia Kantor will aggressively advocate for
over US dollars two billion infrastructure projects in Croatia, as
well as on behalf of US business participation in reconstruction
of BH, says the US Department of Commerce.
The visit to Croatia will commence on Thursday in Dubrovnik with a
private memorial service for the delegation that was lead by the
former Trade Secretary Ron Brown. The visit will include
individual meetings with Croatian PM Zlatko Matesa and BH PM Hasan
Muratovic, as well as a trilateral meeting that will be ended by
the signing of an understanding memo.
In Dubrovnik Kantor will also address the economic development of
the Dalmatian Coast, states the US department of Commerce.
On Saturday in Zagreb the US Trade Secretary will have talks with
Trade Minister Davor Stern. At the end of his visit to Croatia he
will be received by the Croatian president Franjo Tudjman. The US
delegations consists of representatives of 18 large American
companies, with a combined annual revenue of US dollars 65 billion
and 410,000 employees, as well as representatives of the OPIC (a US
Administration agency for private overseas investments), the Agency
for Trade and development (TDA), the Agency for International
Development (USAID) and the mayor of Dayton, a city that late last
year successfully hosted peace talks on BH.
(Hina) mr/jn
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