WASHINGTON, July 3 (Hina) - UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-
Ghali on Wednesday proposed to the Security Council to extend the
mandate of UN observers deployed on the Prevlaka peninsula of
southern Croatia for another three months.
The current UN mandate expires on July 15.
Since no other international or regional organization,
including the OSCE and the EU Monitoring Mission, has shown
willingness to monitor the area permanently, I recommend that the
UNMOP mandate be extended for three months until 15 October 1996,
Boutros-Ghali said in a statment.
The Security Council was expected to pass a resolution next
week extending the mandate.
Boutros-Ghali called on Croatia and Serb-led Yugoslavia to
continue negotiations on normalization of relations.
He estimated that the situation in the Prevlaka area had
improved over the past few months.
Mine fields have been cleared and roadblocks removed in the
so-called blue zone but there are still positions held by
Croatian special police and Yugoslav checkpoints.
In the wider, "yellow zone", both sides have withdrawn their
heavy weapons but the Yugoslav side prevented UN peronnel from
verifying compliance.
The Secretary General said that the presence of troops and
heavy weapons in areas close to the demilitarized zone posed a
risk of the escalation of tension in the region.
(hina) vm
032325 MET jul 96
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