OSIJEK, July 2 (Hina) - A Council of Europe delegation for culture
and education on Tuesday visited the Osijek-based Croatian
government Office of the Temporary Administration for the
Establishment of Croatian Authority in the Croatian occupied area.
Before their arrival in Osijek, the delegation visited the
occupied Vukovar.
Council of Europe High Education Department Chief, Gabriele
Mazza, said that the delegation had held talks with UNTAES
representatives about the ways in which the Council of Europe and
the UNTAES could assist a speedier implementation of the Dayton
peace accords.
He added that the Council of Europe and the UNTAES would be
included in the programme of reconstructing the cultural heritage.
Croatian Office representative Ksenija Zbozil told reporters
that the Office representatives had informed the delegation about
their talks with the Serb side about education and schooling in the
area under the control if the UN Transitional Administration.
She said that Croatian Office representatives had held several
meetings with the Serb side, but without significant results.
The basic problem was that "the Serbs do not want to be an
ethnic minority as other ethnic minorities that live in the
region," Zbozil said, adding that the Serbs wanted separate
schooling from that of Croatia.
Their idea was that Croatia ensure and finance the schools
which should not have any common features with Croatian schools
except that their location would be in Croatia, she added.
The government Office for the establishment of Croatian
authority had been suggesting to the Serb side to join in the
drafting of school plans and curriculums, Zbozil said.
Croatia was flexible in the negotiations, but would not accept
any unrealistic demands for some "special status sector," Zbozil
(hina) lm jn
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