WASHINGTON, July 1 (Hina) - Croatian Ambassador at the U.N. Mario
Nobilo on Monday forwarded a letter to U.N. Secretary General,
Butros Butros-Gali, in which he pointed out that the Croatian
government adhered to a successful implementation of the UNTAES
mandate in the planned time, and supported a proposal by Butros-
Gali to extend the mandate of military monitors in the Croatian
Danubian area until 15 January 1997.
In the letter, Nobilo said that the Croatian government
reacted positively to a report to the Security Council on the
implementation of the UNTAES mandate.
As regards lack of clarity in Croatia's Amnesty Act, Nobilo
said that on 27 June the Croatian government had published a list
of 811 persons not protected by said Act.
Nobilo also pointed out the fact that at the moment the
Croatian government provided care for 76,669 displaced persons from
the Croatian Danubian area, and that a considerable number had
taken refuge in other countries.
He said that almost all these displaced persons and refugees
expressed the intention to return to their homes in the region as
soon as possible.
In his report Butros-Gali said that "several thousands Croats"
waited to return to the Croatian Danubian area.
(hina) ha
011852 MET jul 96
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