SARAJEVO, Jul 3 (Hina) - There was no evidence that Radovan
Karadzic had really been removed from Serb entity politics, IFOR
spokesman Bratt Boudreau told a Sarajevo press conference on
"We can only say with certainty that Karadzic is still being
driven around in his black limousine, which probably indicates his
current standing," Boudreau said.
International peace coordinator Carl Bildt met Bosnian Serb
representatives on Tuesday to ascertain Karadzic's current
But even after the talks, he still did not know whether
Biljana Plavsic had assumed command over the military - which is
vested in the president according to the Constitution of the Serb
UN spokesman in Sarajevo today stressed the fact that neither
Bosnian Serbs nor the Belgrade regime were fulfilling the
provisions of the peace accord relative to cooperation in the
investigation of war crimes.
"We are taking a very clear stand here - Radovan Karadzic and
other war crimes suspects may only be tried by The Hague Tribunal,
not by these kangaroo courts they are trying to set up now," Ivanko
(hina) jn as
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