WASHINGTON, July 2 (Hina) - The United States Administration on
Tuesday informed the Serb Democratic Party (SDS), whose leader is
Radovan Karadzic, that it might be disqualified from elections in
Bosnia-Herzegovina unless it removed its president.
State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said that if
Karadzic decided to remain in power and keep his leadership of SDS,
the party would not be able to endure the temptation to its
legitimacy which the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe would put upon it, in case it presented candidates for the
14 September elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Burns said that if SDS wanted to play a role in the political
life of the country, it must get rid of Karadzic, a war crime
He added that the Administration, even though it gave
precedence to Karadzic's going to The Hague, considered that the
Bosnian Serb leader must at least be removed from power and not use
his influence before elections.
Burns reiterated that sanctions against Serbia and Bosnian
Serbs remained as an option, but without deadlines for
reintroducing them.
(hina) ha
022252 MET jul 96
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