BRUSSELS, June 6 (Hina) - The European Parliament adopted a
resolution on Thursday supporting a decision by the Council of
Europe's Committee of Ministers to delay Croatia's admission to the
Council of Europe.
The resolution called on the Croatian president and government
to accept immediately and without delay the fundamental principles
of human rights and democratic freedoms stipulated in the Council
of Europe convention on protection of human rights and basic
The European Parliament supported the Council of Europe
decision to make the accession of Croatia conditional on:
- respect for freedom of the press,
- right of the Serb refugees to return,
- full cooperation with the International War Crimes Tribunal
in The Hague, and
- compliance with the elections results in Zagreb and enabling
the election of a mayor.
The Parliament expressed concern about legal action against
several journalists and about freedom of the media. It called on
Croatian authorities to guarantee all political parties access to
state-run television and media ahead of local elections that would
take place in September.
The resolution was submitted by representatives of the
European Socialist Party, the European People's Party, the European
Party of Liberals, Democrats and Reformers, the Confederation of
the European United Left and the Nordic Greens, and the European
Radical Alliance.
Deputies rejected two of the three amendments proposed by the
Radical Alliance and the Greens.
(hina) vm jn
061544 MET jun 96
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