ZAGREB, June 19 (Hina) - Bosnian Croat police are currently causing
most of the trouble to the International Police Task Force in its
efforts to organize police forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina's Moslem-
Croat and Serb entities, UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko said in
Sarajevo on Wednesday.
Speaking of recent incidents, Ivanko cited a case of four
Serbs travelling through the territory of the Moslem-Croat
Federation on June 1. The Serbs were detained by Croat police,
unlawfully taken into custody in Livno and on June 12 transferred
to a prison in west Mostar, he added.
Ivanko stressed that the UN police were denied information
about the case in violation of the Dayton peace agreement.
Another big problem faced by the UN and other international
organizations in Bosnia-Herzegovina were war crimes suspects
remaining in power in the Bosnian Serb Republic, which would
influence the conduct of elections in the Serb entity, the
spokesman said.
The UN was also concerned about the latest cases of violence
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, particularly about an attack on the former
Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic at a political rally in the
northwestern town of Cazin last weekend.
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192008 MET jun 96
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