SARAJEVO, 15 June (Hina) - NATO Secretary General Javier Solana
said in Sarajevo today that NATO would do all it could to secure
conditions for implementation of general elections in Bosnia-
Herzegovina. After talks with the Bosnian President Alija
Izetbegovic and Premier Hasan Muratovic, Solana said that the main
task of the international Implementation Force (IFOR) in the future
could be the establishment of full freedom of movement - 'except
for those who do not deserve it' - and the creation of conditions
for the return of refugees.
Solana refused to comment on a possible change of IFOR's
current position towards war criminals, stressing IFOR fulfilled
its tasks provided for in the mandate set by the U.N. Security
President Izetbegovic said that the highest NATO officials had
guaranteed that they would support all measures leading to the
integration of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The issue of prisoners of war
had been opened again, Izetbegovic said, adding that agreement had
been reached that 30 prisoners of war, who were being held by all
three sides, should be released in case they were not on The Hague
War Crimes Tribunal lists.
(hina) rm jn
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