ZAGREB June 11 (Hina) - The domestic airline Croatia Airlines
(CTN) is planning to establish direct flight routes between
Croatia and the United States as of August 1996, in co-operation
with the American Delta Airlines, said CTN Director Matija
Katicic. It is expected that flight routes to Australia and New
Zealand will be established in 1997, and to Far East by the year
Croatia Airlines and Delta Airlines will sign the contract
on "code sharing" for flights to the United States and Canada by
the end of June. According to the arrangement, CTN would
transport passengers to a designated destination in Europe where
they would transfer to a Delta airlines plane and continue the
flight, but under the sign and tariffs of Croatia Airlines.
Also in progress are negotiations with the Australian
airline Quantas and the Air New Zealand about the same type of
arrangement for overseas flights to those countries, Katicic
Many European airlines are establishing similar cooperation
with overseas partners. The German Lufthansa, for example, is co-
operating with the American United Airlines, the Dutch KLM with
Northwest, and Swissair with Delta Airlines.
(hina) nv rm
111614 MET jun 96
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