ZAGREB, June 10 (Hina) - After a brief talk between representatives
of the Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS) and the Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) held at the Croatian parliament on Monday,
Ivic Pasalic of HDZ told reporters that HDZ representatives had
presented HSLS with "programme starting points for discussion on a
possible cooperation between HSLS and HDZ."
According to Pasalic, it was agreed that HSLS would answer
those starting points after its Main Council session, which should
take place on Wednesday. The ruling HDZ and the opposition's HSLS
began talks on a possible cooperation last Friday, when HSLS
presented HDZ with conditions for the cooperation.
"We received HDZ's answer to our memorandum and it will be
discussed on our Main Council session on Wednesday, to which our
answer to HDZ will follow", said Zlatko Kramaric of HSLS.
Pasalic said that he was "fifty-fifty per cent" optimistic
about an agreement between the two parties.
In answer to a journalist's question as to why HSLS had been
chosen for the talks, Pasalic said:
"... a possible agreement on cooperation, as our proposal
says, contributes to the development of the democracy and
sovereignty of Croatia, particularly in these delicate times when
many events relating to a final solution to the crisis in these
regions are still to take place."
(hina) ha jn
101902 MET jun 96
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