ZAGREB, June 7 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic and
visiting EU Ministerial Council Chairman Lamberto Dini and European
Commission President Jacques Santer held a press conference in
Zagreb on Friday after talks with Croatian President Franjo
"President Tudjman has expressed a firm view that Croatia
belongs to Central Europe and the Mediterranean and therefore it
supports integrations within that area," Granic said.
"As a Central European and Mediterranean country, Croatia is
willing to assist in the stabilization of this region and cooperate
with it as well as to normalize relations with Belgrade," he added.
Granic noted that these were the first official talks on "a
regional approach" in resolving the crisis.
Granic said that the regional approach was presented by
Santer, explaining that Europe did not want a new Yugoslavia or a
similar association but that it supported economic cooperation in
the region.
"Joining European institutions depends on each country
individually," Granic said, adding that cooperation within the
region would be rewarded.
Santer said that the EU would assist in the process of
normalization with resources at its disposal. He said that the
normalization of relations was very important, but added that it
depended primarily on the countries in the region.
Dini said that guarantees provided by President Tudjman of
Croatia's commitment to peace were a great encouragment. He
described the talks as very interesting and exceptionally
(hina) vm mm
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