VIENNA, 1 June (Hina) - Croatia, Albania, Macedonia and Rumania are
strongly rejecting a global admission to European integration
processes, Croatian Foreign Minister Dr.Mate Granic said on
Saturday in Vienna.
Following his meetings with ministers of Austria, Italy,
Albania, Poland, Hungary, Macedonia, Rumania and Ukraine, Granic
stressed that none of the countries supported a global regional
According to the so called "global regional admission" one
should first settle the problems in the region, concretely in
Serbia and BiH, and only then think about approaching European
"Each of these countries is running away from this towards
central Europe," Granic said.
Granic announced next week's visit to Zagreb by Italian
Foreign Minister Lambero Dini along with President of European
Commission Jacques Santer.
"The talks will concentrate on the global regional admission
to the European Union, i.e. relations between the EU and Croatia,"
Granic said.
Granic discussed with Dini the Croatian admission to the
Council of Europe who said that Italy believed a solution could be
found for Croatian admission.
Granic said that all his interlocutors, in particular Austrian
Minister Wolfgang Schuessel, fully supported Croatian admission to
the Council of Europe.
Italian Minister Dini also told Granic that Italy was
interested in signing bilateral agreements on protection of
minorities in Croatia. According to him Croatia together with
Poland and Hungary would soon start bilateral talks on Croatian
admission to Central European Free Trade (CEFT).
Granic announced President Tujdman's upcoming meeting with
Polish President Kwasniewski, while Premier Matesa would visit
Poland in June.
Granic would pay a visit to Italy before the summer, at Dini's
initiative, and later on go to Ukraine.
(hina) jt
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