ZAGREB, May 24 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic on
Friday received the deputy chief of the British Mission to Zagreb,
Julian Metcalf, who relayed a letter from Foreign Secretary Malcolm
Rifkind on British views of the process of Croatia's admission to
the Council of Europe, a Foreign Ministry statement said.
Granic said that Euro-Atlantic integrations were the Croatian
government's top priority and that Croatia did not want its
membership to be conditional on the position of other countries in
the region.
Granic said he believed Britain would show full understanding
for the position and positive role of Croatia in the region and
Granic reaffirmed Croatia's commitment to dialogue with the
European Union and the Council of Europe to resolve some open
issues in line with the Croatian Constitution and legislation.
Granic also warned about harmful consequences of some British
publications such as "EURO 96" on participants in the European
Football Championship.
The two officials stressed the need for maintaining a
permanent working dialogue to strengthen bilateral relations and
help Croatia join European integration processes.
(hina) vm jn
241422 MET may 96
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