ZAGREB, June 5 (Hina) - US Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith
said on Wednesday that Croatia had become very interesting to US
investors after changes that had occurred following the liberation
of most of its occupied areas and the signing of the Dayton peace
The best proof of US interest would be the arrival of US
Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor and US businessmen in Croatia in
July, Galbraith said at a meeting of Croatian business people and
the US Business Council for Croatia (USBCC) that opened in the
Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Zagreb.
Galbraith brought attention to frequent complaints heard at
the US Embassy over bureaucratic obstacles faced by potential
investors in Croatia. However, despite all shortcomings, Croatia
had great business prospects, he added.
USBCC President Gary Wolf said that the USBCC was not a
political or humanitarian organization but an association of US
business people and companies interested only in investment and
Until the end of 1994, the United States occupied the fifth
position among foreign investors in Croatia, with a total volume of
investment of DM 66 million realized through 210 companies.
The most significant investment of US capital so far has been
the investment by the Coca-Cola Export Corporation of DM 17.6
million in the Croatian company Coca-Cola Bottlers Zagreb.
(hina) vm jn
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